Friday, January 21, 2011

I just choked myself.. Tabitha you need to read this one for rizzy

In the past 10 minutes I have erased 2 blog posts and 1 FB post because they were too offensive.  Some would call it growing up, others would call me a bitch.  I am not sure which one is accurate, but my actions seem to point to the latter.  I would like to apologize to Tabitha for not calling that woman on your FB thread a bitch like I did before I erased the comment.  I would also like to apologize to my two followers for not writing the posts about lazy/fat (most times that is interchangeable) people being mad when other people aren't lazy/fat and the one that talks about people placing way too much value on their time.  I will try to address these two topics at another time when my bitchiness has been annoyed out of me. 

Bitch McFagerson

Thursday, January 20, 2011

2011 right????

I am sure that writing a note on a torn off piece of paper and taping it to someone's desk was a great way to communicate in 1984, but we have email now.  Because of this whole email thing, people do not leave notes on their desk telling you that they are out of office.  They utilitze the Out of Office tool on their email.  So, when you leave a note on a person's desk who is out for 4 days, and no one is checking their desk for these little pearls and an important customer does not get called back, you deserve to be choked. 

Signed by the person who would like to choke you but you were also too busy to write your name on this awesome note.

Why people should be choked!

There are many reasons and I will explore them through this blog.  Hopefully, this will serve as a PSA of sorts and you yourself can avoid the imagined strangulation that would occur by doing something special (we do not say stupid, dumb, or retarded in my house).  Thank you for reading my blog.  Please keep triple U (unoriginal, uninspired, unreadable this is stolen from the Jungle) comments to yourself.  I really do not want this to become another reason for me to choke people. 
